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Bank Name: Faysal Bank
Branch Code: : 3604
Account Title: Blessing Welfare Organization District Sukkur
Account No: : 3604301000000819
IBAN No: : PK60 FAYS 3604 3010 0000 0819
Swift Code : FAYSPKK

Recent Blessing Walfare Organization Campaign

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Years of Experience

Better life for all – having economic freedom, social cohesion, climate resilience and gender equality

Respect & Compassion

Our Programmes

Interventions In

At BWO, we believe in empowering communities and creating sustainable change from the ground up. Our interventions in rural villages aim to address key challenges and improve the lives of individuals and families.

Village Development Organization

Our mission is to enhance the quality of life in rural areas by promoting economic growth, education, healthcare, and social empowerment. We work closely with local communities, providing them with the tools, knowledge, and resources they need to create positive and lasting change.

Water Facilities

Welcome to Water Facilities, where we strive to provide clean and accessible water facilities to communities in need. Our mission is to ensure that every individual has access to safe and reliable water sources, empowering them to lead healthier and more prosperous lives.

Livehoods & Food support

We strive to make a difference in people’s lives by providing livelihood and food support to those in need. We believe that everyone deserves access to basic necessities and opportunities for a better future.

Join us in spreading love and kindness, one act of charity at a time.


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